she tastes like the real thing...
before+ after
>>> broken down

Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2005/1:32 am

you broke me.

it's like cigarettes, i'm addicted.
i know that it rots my lungs, i know it's unhealthy,
but it helps, and it's good.
i crawl out my window, i take out one,
and another and soon it's turned into six or seven.
and i almost dread my eight hour days, because i can't get that release,
i can't feel that comfort, i can't even have that one.
i'll probably die of lung cancer some day, but that doesn't scare me,
what scares me is not being able to have even just one.
they are so reliable.

you are like cigarettes, you disintigrate me.
maybe i like the pain, maybe it's just comfortable,
i just can't stand the eight hour days, because you are right in front of me,
and i can't have the one, not even the one.

i just wish you were as reliable.
but hey, i can't buy you for two bucks and a half.

"what would life be without wishful thinking?"

wow. you broke me.

2001-2011 �hillery
posted by hillery @ 1:32 am on Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2005
>>> Steppin' around town.

Sunday, Apr. 10, 2005/10:15 pm

i realized how much i like walking around this town today.
Dru dropped me off at the square, i got some lovely rose tea and honey and went about the sidewalks of carrollton.
i ran into some people i knew, older than i and we kept walking.
the weather was absolutly lovely, and we spent the afternoon playing in random church yards and sitting in a circle in an alley way, about to play monopoly when mother came and got me.
and that was the extent of it, my best day of spring break, was spent here in this god forsaken little town.
god bless, geez louise.

2001-2011 �hillery
posted by hillery @ 10:15 pm on Sunday, Apr. 10, 2005
>>> the color of our souls.

Monday, Apr. 04, 2005/11:43 pm

i place a hand upon your chest, simply looking for an opening inside...
i tell you what i feel, the color pulsating through your vibrating heart beat.
it's smooth and the colors flow into my fingertips, warm and sweet...
warm and sweet.

2001-2011 �hillery
posted by hillery @ 11:43 pm on Monday, Apr. 04, 2005
before+ after

The Story of My Demise and Rebirth Part 1 - Friday, Dec. 16, 2011
A garden to grow. - Monday, Jun. 20, 2011
Spring sunshine - Saturday, Apr. 09, 2011
Paradise - Saturday, Oct. 02, 2010
Who are you meant to be? - Saturday, Sept. 04, 2010
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